Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Duffy Theatre

We had a special treat today.  The Duffy Theatre company came to perform their new show.  It was all about our public libraries and how great it is to borrow books for free.  One of the actors played the part of Mr Barrier.  He wanted to close all the libraries and use the money to make more golf courses.  Well, we soon told him what we thought of that idea!

The talented Duffy Theatre team : 
Antonia, Rowan and Rob

Here's a slideshow of some of the highlights


Andrea Des Forges said...

The Duffy show was great fun. I'm glad we managed to change Mr Barrier's mind at the end.

Jovial said...

I liked the video.

Louise said...

That was cool.

Sonia said...

That was nice.

Priyanka said...

I liked all the pictures that you used for this video.

Miss Lepou said...

A4 loved the Duffy show. They talked about it all day.